Incredible Home Remedies for Acne That Are Proven to Work

Erika Marie is a fashion and beauty writer as well…

Flawless skin can seem next to impossible when you have acne. Know that you’re not alone. Up to 50 million people struggle with acne annually, making it one of the world’s most common skin conditions. If your skin is acne-prone, you’ve likely tried every drugstore product on the market. Of course, a trip to your dermatologist is best, but if you’re looking for more natural treatments, we’ve discovered a few home remedies for acne with ingredients found in your kitchen.

If you’re on TikTok, you’ve likely seen potatoes mentioned as one of many home remedies for acne. Potatoes contain vitamin C which helps the body to produce collagen and promotes healing skin damage called by UV rays, stress, toxins, pollution, and dirt.
Potatoes also contain vitamin B which helps regenerate skin cells and penetrates the skin. Niacin, also known as vitamin B-3, is also found in potatoes. It can lighten dark marks caused by acne and other skin conditions.
To use potatoes as an acne treatment, grate them with a cheese grater, then gently rub them on your face. You may also use it as a mask. Just leave it on for around ten minutes, rinse your face with warm water, and gently pat try. Do this as much as three times a week and you will start to see results after one month.
Tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, K, and Lycopene which are found in most acne medications. Their acidity can help cure mild acne.
Slice a tomato, then place a slice on your acne. The juice will help dry up pimples. Alternatively, you can mash the tomato and apply it to your skin like a facial mask. Leave it on for ten minutes, rinse with warm water, then gently pat dry. Repeat this two to three times a week. You should begin seeing results in two weeks.
Lemon Juice

The high acidity content in lemons can dry out acne. It also contains vitamin C which helps promote healthy, glowing skin.
To use, simply slice a fresh lemon and squeeze the juice onto a cotton ball or cotton pad. Then apply on the acne and leave it on for up to ten minutes. Rinse off the lemon juice with warm water and pat your skin dry.
Honey and Cinnamon
Honey’s antibacterial properties can get rid of acne. Cinnamon has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.
The two of these ingredients combined create an incredible anti-acne facial mask. Apply on your face and leave it on for ten minutes. Then rinse with warm water, then gently pat dry.
The honey and cinnamon mask is anti-inflammatory and repairs the damage done by acne.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar or simply ACV contains malic and lactic acids that soften and exfoliates the skin. It also acts as a toner and regulates the pH balance of the skin.
Mix one part ACV to one part water to weaken the vinegar’s acidity. Use a cotton ball or cotton pad to apply it on your face or wherever you have acne. Leave on for up to 5 minutes then rinse it with warm water.

Garlic is more than just a cooking spice. It contains sulfur, zinc, and calcium that have antibiotic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial effects on the skin.
Crush or grind garlic cloves and mix with a few drops of water to make a paste. Gently rub the garlic onto the acne and leave it on for up to ten minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
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Erika Marie is a fashion and beauty writer as well as a hardcore vintage clothing enthusiast. In her free time, she can be found thrifting for hidden gems to add to her collection.